On July 6, 2021, Arkoil Technologies joined a webinar devoted to the study of “Implications of the Energy Transition for European Storage, Fuel Supply & Distribution Infrastructure” hosted by Tank Storage Magazine alongside with the Federation of European Tank Storage Associations (FETSA), Union Pétrolière Européenne Indépendante (UPEI), Europe’s Independent Fuel Suppliers & Trinomics.
The representatives of Shell, Oiltanking, Evos, Varo Energy, Exolum, Rubis, Odfjell, HES and others attended the event.
The webinar elucidated the results of in-depth exploration of several cases of substituting conventional fossil fuels on concrete supply chains, considering spatial configuration, safety, equipment, and costs. The study demonstrated that a large part of the existing storage and distribution infrastructure can be repurposed to accommodate renewable and low carbon liquid fuels, without any change or with limited modifications.